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Product Name: Somatostatin-14 (acetate)
Synonyms: somatostatin, monoacetateWeb Site:Medchemexpress
Product Overview: A natural cyclic peptide hormone derived from full-length somatostatin; inhibits the release of growth hormone, prolactin, thyrotropin, glucagon, and insulin, as well as other signaling moleculesSomatostatin-14 is a natural cyclic peptide hormone derived
Shipping: dry ice
CAS NO: 20537-88-6 Product: Amifostine
Stability: Store at -20 degrees; shelf life 730 days maximum after production
Molecular Formula: C76H104N18O19S2 • C2H4O2
SMILES: [H]N[C@H](C(NCC(N[C@H](C(N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(N[C@@H](CC(N)=O)C(N[C@H](C(N[C@H](C(N[C@H](C(N[C@@H](CCCCN)C(N[C@]([C@@H](C)O)([H])C(N[C@H](C(N[C@]([C@@H](C)O)([H])C(N[C@@H](CO)C1=O)=O)=O)CC2=CC=CC=C2)=O)=O)=O)CC3=CNC4=C3C=CC=C4)=O)CC5=CC=CC=C5)=O)CC6=CC=CCMonoamine Oxidase inhibitors
Molecular Weight: 1697.9
Formulation: A powder
Purity: ≥98%PubMed ID:

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Author: signsin1dayinc