Product Name: Memantine (hydrochloride)
Synonyms: 3,5-dimethyl-tricyclo[,7]decan-1-amine, monohydrochloride Akatinol Web Site click
Product Overview: An NMDA open-channel blocker (Ki = 1.2 μM at -60 mV) and uncompetitive antagonist with known anti-Parkinsonian, antiepileptic, anti-stroke, and anti-Alzheimer’s disease properties; 12 μM blocks 90% of NMDA receptor activity and prevents NMDA-r
Shipping: room temp.
CAS NO: 135575-42-7 Product: Pneumocandin B0
Stability: Store at 22 degrees; shelf life 730 days maximum after production
Molecular Formula: C12H21N • HCl
SMILES: N[C@]12C[C@](C[C@@](C)(C2)C3)(C)C[C@@H]3C1.ClOthers inhibitors
Molecular Weight: 215.8
Formulation: A crystalline solid
Purity: ≥98%PubMed ID: