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Product Name: MMPIP (hydrochloride)
Synonyms: 6-​(4-​methoxyphenyl)​-​5-​methyl-​3-​(4-​pyridinyl)​-isoxazolo[4,​5-​c]​pyridin-​4(5H)​-​one, monohydrochlorideMedchemexpress
Product Overview: A reversible, selective, allosteric antagonist of mGluR7 that blocks agonist-induced calcium mobilization (IC50 = 26 nM)MMPIP is a reversible allosteric antagonist of the metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 (mGluR7) that blocks agonist-induced calcium mobil
Shipping: room temp.
CAS NO: 72432-10-1 Product: Aniracetam
Stability: Store at 22 degrees; shelf life 365 days maximum after production
Molecular Formula: C19H15N3O3 • HCl
SMILES: O=C1N(C)C(C2=CC=C(OC)C=C2)=CC3=C1C(C4=CC=NC=C4)=NO3.ClCytoskeleton inhibitors
Molecular Weight: 369.8
Formulation: A white to off-white solid
Purity: ≥98%PubMed ID:

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Author: signsin1dayinc