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Product Name: MK-8669
Synonyms: 42-(dimethylphosphinate)rapamycin AP23573 Medchemexpress
Product Overview: A rapamycin analog that selectively inhibits mTOR (IC50 = 0.2 nM); binds FKBP12 to form a complex that associates with the FKBP-rapamycin binding domain on mTOR and allosterically inhibits mTORC1 kinase activityMK-8669 is a rapamycin analog that selective
Shipping: dry ice
CAS NO: 7491-74-9 Product: Piracetam
Stability: Store at -20 degrees; shelf life 730 days maximum after production
Molecular Formula: C53H84NO14P
SMILES: O=C(C(N1[C@@](C(O[C@@]([C@H](C)C[C@H]2C[C@@H](OC)[C@H](OP(C)(C)=O)CC2)([H])CC([C@H](C)/C=C(C)/[C@@H](O)[C@H](C([C@H](C)C[C@H](C)/C=C/C=C/C=C(C)/[C@@H](OC)C3)=O)OC)=O)=O)([H])CCCC1)=O)[C@]4(O)O[C@@]3([H])CC[C@H]4CAdrenergic Receptor inhibitors
Molecular Weight: 990.2
Formulation: A crystalline solid
Purity: ≥95%PubMed ID:

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Author: signsin1dayinc