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Product Name: DAPI (hydrochloride)
Synonyms: 2-[4-(aminoiminomethyl)phenyl]-1H-indole-6-carboximidamide, dihydrochloride 4,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole Medchemexpress
Product Overview: A fluorescent probe which is commonly used to stain DNA and chromosomes for fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry applications; characterized by ultraviolet (max 358 nm) excitation and blue (max 461 nm) emission wavelengthsDAPI is a fluorescent probe
Shipping: wet ice
CAS NO: 1303607-07-9 MI-773
Stability: Store at -20 degrees; shelf life 730 days maximum after production
Molecular Formula: C16H15N5 • 2HCl
SMILES: NC(C(C=C1)=CC=C1C2=CC3=CC=C(C(N)=N)C=C3N2)=N.Cl.ClHaspin Kinase inhibitors
Molecular Weight: 350.3
Formulation: A crystalline solid
Purity: PubMed ID:

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Author: signsin1dayinc