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Product Name: Ac-LETD-AFC
Synonyms: N-acetyl-L-leucyl-L-α-glutamyl-L-threonyl-N-[2-oxo-4-(trifluoromethyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-7-yl]-L-α-asparagine Caspase-8 Substrate (Fluorogenic)
Product Overview: A fluorogenic substrate that can be cleaved specifically by caspase-8Ac-LETD-AFC is a fluorogenic substrate that can be cleaved specifically by caspase-8. Caspase activity can be quantified by fluorescent detection of free AFC (also known as 7-amino-4-tri
Shipping: wet ice
CAS NO: 118081-34-8 Product: Ceftibuten (dihydrate)
Stability: Store at -20 degrees; shelf life 730 days maximum after production
Molecular Formula: C31H38F3N5O12
SMILES: OC(C[C@H](NC(C(NC([C@@H](NC([C@H](CC(C)C)NC(C)=O)=O)CCC(O)=O)=O)[C@@H](C)O)=O)C(NC(C=C1O2)=CC=C1C(C(F)(F)F)=CC2=O)=O)=OGlucagon Receptor inhibitors
Molecular Weight: 729.7
Formulation: A crystalline solid
Purity: ≥95%PubMed ID:

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Author: signsin1dayinc