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Product Name: AV-Ceramide
Synonyms: (11E)-12-(9-anthracenyl)-N-[(1S,2R,3E)-2-hydroxy-1-(hydroxymethyl)-3-heptadecen-1-yl]-11-dodecenamide Anthrylvinyl-CeramideMedchemexpress
Product Overview: A fluorescently-tagged probe consisting of C-10 ceramide with an AV group attached to the end of the acyl chainAV-Ceramide is a fluorescently-tagged probe consisting of C-10 ceramide with an anthrylvinyl (AV) group attached to the end of the acyl chain. T
Shipping: wet ice
CAS NO: 1346574-57-9 GSK126
Stability: Store at -20 degrees; shelf life 365 days maximum after production
Molecular Formula: C44H65NO3
SMILES: OC[C@@H]([C@@](O)([H])/C=C/CCCCCCCCCCCCC)C(CCCCCCCCC/C=CC1=C(C=CC=C2)C2=CC3=C1C=CC=C3)=Oc-Myc inhibitors
Molecular Weight: 656
Formulation: A solution in ethanol
Purity: ≥98%PubMed ID:

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Author: signsin1dayinc