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Product Name: AM694 3-iodo isomer
Synonyms: (1-(5-fluoropentyl)-1H-indol-3-yl)(3-iodophenyl)methanoneMedchemexpress
Product Overview: An analog of AM694; intended for forensic applicationsAM694 is a potent synthetic cannabinoid (CB) with Ki values of 0.08 and 1.44 nM for the CB1 and CB2 receptors, respectively. AM694 3-iodo isomer is an analog of AM694 which contains a 3-iodophenyl gro
Shipping: wet ice
CAS NO: 105558-26-7 Product: Ginsenoside Rh3
Stability: Store at -20 degrees; shelf life 730 days maximum after production
Molecular Formula: C20H19FINO
Molecular Weight: 435.3
Formulation: A crystalline solid
Purity: ≥98%PubMed ID:

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Author: signsin1dayinc