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Product Name: 4-pentynoyl-Coenzyme A (trifluoroacetate salt)
Synonyms: S-4-pentynoate coenzyme A, trifluoroacetate salt Click Tag™
Product Overview: An acyl-CoA donor that can be metabolically transferred onto lysine residues of proteins by lysine acetyltransferases; an azide-alkyne bioconjugation reaction, known as click chemistry, can then be used to tag the acetylated proteins with fluorescent or b
Shipping: wet ice
CAS NO: 690270-29-2 Balapiravir
Stability: Store at -20 degrees; shelf life 730 days maximum after production
Molecular Formula: C26H40N7O17P3S • CF3COOH
SMILES: OC(C(F)(F)F)=O.NC1=NC=NC2=C1N=CN2[C@@]3([H])[C@@](O)([H])[C@@](OP(O)(O)=O)([H])[C@](COP(OP(OCC(C)(C)[C@@H](O)C(NCCC(NCCSC(CCC#C)=O)=O)=O)(O)=O)(O)=O)([H])O3Mixed Lineage Kinase inhibitors
Molecular Weight: 961.6
Formulation: A lyophilized powder
Purity: ≥95%PubMed ID:

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Author: signsin1dayinc