Product Name: LDN212854
Synonyms: Web Site:Medchemexpress
Product Overview: LDN-212854 is a novel BMP inhibitor that exhibits substantially greater selectivity for BMP versus the TGF-β type I receptors; possesses a bias towards ALK2(IC50=1.3 nM) versus ALK1 and ALK3 compared to other inhibitors.
Shipping: wet ice
CAS NO: 676128-62-4 Product: RSV604 (racemate)
Stability: Store at +4 degrees; shelf life 730 days maximum after production
Molecular Formula: C25H22N6
SMILES: 5-Lipoxygenase inhibitors
Molecular Weight: 406.48
Formulation: solution 10mM in DMSO
Purity: 0.98PubMed ID: