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Product Name: GNE-495
Synonyms: 8-amino-N-[1-(cyclopropylcarbonyl)-3-azetidinyl]-2-(3-fluorophenyl)-1,7-naphthyridine-5-carboxamideMedchemexpress
Product Overview: An orally bioavailable, potent, and selective MAP4K4 inhibitor (IC50 = 3.7 nM); showed positive effects on pathological angiogenesisGNE-495 is an orally bioavailable, potent, and selective MAP4K4 inhibitor (IC50 = 3.7 nM). In cell sprouting assays, it in
Shipping: dry ice
CAS NO: 1217022-63-3 Product: PTC-209 (hydrobromide)
Stability: Store at -20 degrees; shelf life 730 days maximum after production
Molecular Formula: C22H20FN5O2
SMILES: FC1=CC=CC(C2=NC3=C(N)N=CC(C(NC4CN(C(C5CC5)=O)C4)=O)=C3C=C2)=C1Thymidylate Synthase inhibitors
Molecular Weight: 405.4
Formulation: A crystalline solid
Purity: ≥98%PubMed ID:

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Author: signsin1dayinc