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Product Name: 2,4-Diamino-6-hydroxypyrimidine
Synonyms: 2,4-diamino-6(1H)-pyrimidinone DAHPWeb Site:Medchemexpress
Product Overview: A selective, specific inhibitor of GTP cyclohydrolase I, the rate limiting step for de novo pterin synthesis (IC50 = ~0.3 mM in HUVEC)2,4-Diamino-6-hydroxypyrimidine (DAHP) is a selective, specific inhibitor of GTP cyclohydrolase I, the rate limiting step
Shipping: wet ice
CAS NO: 103878-84-8 Product: Lazabemide
Stability: Store at -20 degrees; shelf life 365 days maximum after production
Molecular Formula: C4H6N4O
SMILES: Nc1cc(O)nc(N)n1STAT inhibitors
Molecular Weight: 126.1
Formulation: A crystalline solid
Purity: ≥98%PubMed ID:

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Author: signsin1dayinc